Hmmm, I'm trying to figure out how to phrase this post because I can't remember who I've actually told about this blog. It's unfortunate when you'd like to complain about somebody behind their back on the internet but you're not sure if they might actually read your blog.
What makes it worse is that I know it's such a good post as well. Oh well, I guess I'll just pass on that now and talk about something similar.
The alternate question of the day: charities. I don't really donate lots to charities. I don't know if that is because I'm really selfish (most likely) or because often I don't really feel like the contributions I make would do that much good. It's not that I don't want to help out but after everything I read about how if you donate, only X percentage of the money actually goes towards the cause and the rest go towards "administrative expenses."
I mean, are these expenses paying jackasses like me who want to make more money? Does it go to advertising or to paying the CEO?
If these all sound like excuses for not giving more money away to charities, I guess they probably are. To me the question becomes though, am I more of a jackass for not wanting to give these faceless (non-profit) corporations my money? It was hard enough to get the little money I have and just giving it away strikes me as illogical.
I guess I could give money (or food or whatever) to local places like homeless shelters and stuff that aren't quite as faceless as NPO's like the Salvation Army (evil!), the Red Cross, or what have you. But even that doesn't strike me as a great way to use what little money I have. These internal debates are going to some day cause my head to explode. And in the meantime, I'll keep feeling like a jerk for not actually giving much to charities.
Perhaps the best solution here is just sticking to being a jackass and talk about the things I'm thinking of buying with the sweet $12 of disposable income that I have for myself. Mmmmm, maybe I'll buy some Chipotle.