I know what you are thinking: There aren't enough unicorns on the site.
And I can see your point. Besides the two on the right there really isn't much else. I would really like to add more unicorns to the site. Unfortunately, I have a horrible feeling it would probably end up something like this.
Yes, you read correctly, that link is to unicornlady.net. And no, I don't really know the unicorn lady (and I am not the unicorn lady). I do have to admire her love though. So public ... and musical.
I suppose I could go to the other extreme in my unicorn love and maybe do something like UnicornsAreRad.com. I don't really get the feeling that he actually loves unicorns though (plus he misspelled Jenga ... come on, Jinga I mean, WTF?!). It seems like the amazing and magical unicorn is not treated with the reverence and respect it deserves.
Sigh ... I suppose I'll have to settle for some comfort merch from Unicorns.com. I want this unicorn shirt so bad. Oh, but this Unicorn Touch Lamp is so awesome! It's so hard to choose ...