Ok, this came up in a conversation I was having today, but my username actually isn't an advocation that you should not eat nachos. I love nachos, I think they are a delicious treat.
However, I want to make it clear that I feel that nachos should be enjoyed responsibly. The full username should be, dontEATnachosANDdrive. However, I'm a nachoholic and am unable to enjoy nachos responsibly. It always ends in disaster (or nacho cheese in my friends' cars). So sometimes, people encourage me not to eat nachos (not to eat their nachos perhaps?).
Anyway, I just thought that needed to be clarified. Now to further prove my nacho love, I will post a series of nacho pictures that I will rate and critique on their appearance of deliciousness.
Continue on to nacho porn!

I'd give these nachos a 5 out of 10.
They look moderately appealing but, the lack of cheese and what appears to be chicken just kind of sitting on top, it's hard to really get too invested in them.

I'd have to give these a 6 out of 10.
They look more appealing than the first set, but the fact that they're individually prepared really makes them look more like a time consuming appetizers. Nachos are meant to be more hastily prepared.

I've got to give these guys a 9 out of 10.
They look almost perfect. Ithink the cheese could be a little more melted but besides that, glorioius. Maybe it loses a tenth of a point for the patriotic red, white and blue tortilla chips but the haphazard collection of chips and meat and cheese is so appealing. And the tortilla boat of nacho condiments on the top is a nice touch.

These, I've got to give maybe a 1 out of 10.
I don't even want to eat those. Is that dog food on top? What am I going to do with a whole tomato? And nowhere near enough cheese, plus is that velveeta? I would definitely spend a little time debating whether or not to eat these cafeteria nachos.

Ok, these guys get a retro 7 out of 10.
I know, they're the crazy nacho cheeze in a plastic tray nacho but when you need nachos, this is the kind you're most likely going to find at a sports game or movie theater. And when that nacho crave hits you, these are going to taste 7 out of 10 good.

Dessert Nachos? 8 out of 10.
Click the picture to see the huge version. It looks freaking delicious. I know they aren't technically real nachos but man, I want that dessert STAT!

They don't look that appealing but they taste delicious. These lose a point or two because of mystery meat/sauce beneath the cheese. The peppers on the side add a nice counterpoint though.

Upscale nachos ... 8 out of 10.
Some places just dont GET nachos. This one clearly has a high vegetable to tortilla ratio. It was about to lose major points for the unmelted cheese on top but if you click the image, you'll see that there is actually a second melted layer of cheese below. You've got to respect the double cheese. It also appears to have chicken. Although meat is not required for nachos. It can help turn an appetizer into a meal.