Thanks to the wonderful remake of the Italian Job and people who enjoy driving around in tiny cars, I'm sure that most of us have seen our fair share of Mini Coopers (a subsidiary of BMW).
Luckily, they've decided that we've been suffering the current design long enough so they just released pictures of the new design, shown below.

What? It looks exactly the same you say? That's just what BMW wants you to think. They've actually changed every single body panel, completely redesigned the interior and updated the engine.

Check out the old vs. new side by side below and see if you can spot the differences!
Perhaps the best improvement in the whole design though, is the new patented GINORMOUS speedometer. Tired of complaints by 90 year old women that the speedometer was not the size of hanging scales in the produce section of your local grocery store, the new Mini features a Flava Flav inspired center speedometer to make sure you never forget how fast you're going again.
For a comparison of the old, and obviously too small speedometer, check out the picture below.

And all this new attractiveness can be yours for a mere £12,995.
Also, please note that those are the radio controls in the speedometer ... radio + how fast am I going? = synergy!