So I've been spending a fair amount of time at the gym lately. Unfortunately for me, I don't have the money to hang out at one of those 'fancy' gyms. Instead, I spend my time at the YMCA. It's actually not a bad place ... besides being a little cramped. And I've been going there long enough that I actually know people.
Still, it's not without its quirks. Something that I really enjoy though, is a nice collection of ridiculously positive messages they put up for the teenagers who play basketball there or something.
I've included two with this post. Sorry about the quality though, the camera on my Motorola phone is ridiculously bad.
The first has a picture of two high school aged basketball players walking into a room with some kids sitting at a round table and writing. Underneath it says, "Responsibility: Doing What's Right." From the picture, I'm not sure what that means. I don't know why having a guy who is obviously much older and wearing basketball gear sitting at a table with children is an example of "Responsibility" but OK, we'll go with it.

The second picture is of a mom or teacher with a bunch of kids at a hospital visiting another sick child. Underneath it says, "Caring Feels Good." This one's a little straight forward. Still, I don't know exactly what they're saying we should be doing. Going to the hospital and spending time with children? Taking random children to the hospital with us and visiting other sick children? It's just not really clear to me.

I still think there is a valuable lesson in these images though. I don't know what it is, but I do believe it's in there somewhere. There are more sprinkled throughout the Y so if I have time in the future I might try to snap a few more pictures.