Hey, sorry for the incredibly long break between posts. I've been busy with work and all that. Actually, they got all new equipment and free weights at the gym so I spent a month wandering around disorientedly. Just recently have I managed to escape and begin to once again post on the WRN blog.
Anyway, this time of year it's usual for people to anticipate the upcoming holidays, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, or whatever other holiday I'm not aware of. Often I would feel the same way. Not this year though. At least not as of 6 PM today. That's when I officially reserved tickets to go see Butterstick at the National Zoo.
The tickets are only good for 10 minutes and there is no guarantee that the 'Stick will be out. Still, the hope that I may get to see this cute little ball of fuzz romping around is enough to get me psyched. I'll definitely be bringing my camera and maybe I'll be able to capture a little movie of Butterstick scampering about.
Until then, I guess I'll just have to get my panda fix from some of these pictures here.
Still, the countdown to Jan. 6, 2006 has begun. Hopefully Panda Day '06 will end in success.