Yes, I realize no one has any. Yes, I realize I haven't posted anything for a month.
No, I'm not providing any lame excuses because what's there to excuse.
At any rate, I'm back and I will try and get some actual content posts up over this weekend.
Oh, and since these kind of posts seem to be more favorably looked upon when they include random links...try these on for size:
Crooked Timber gives Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell way too much credit here.
The Adorable Girl who apparently is "somebody's (plural?)" friend totally misunderestimates this website. I think it's because she's a girl and could never truly hack it at Beer Pong. I will try and write him up to submit to the 3Bulls! Inc. webAwards (humor?). Although, nothing can ever take the place of super nerd and biggest waste of internet time that is many loser friends have sent me there? too frikkin many
Finally, let us never forget the glory that is one of the truly great blogging pseudonyms, Philosoraptor.
Also, The Wrens rocked live and Pinko and everyone else that couldn't be bothered to go...Co-fucking-bags.
UPATE: I'm spellchecking this post and the dictionary doesn't know the word blogging. WTF?