The 3Bulls have decided to fight back (only about a week late) but the resistance is too feeble to even credit them with the title of "insurgents."
Oh look, I found a picture of a scary man-whore on the internet and I'll pretend it's somebody else. That's so original. I can't even imagine any respectable organization doing that!
Look, I'm not so foolish as to claim I know Yosef's external appearance -- I realize it doesn't matter. However, I believe his internal THYCWOTI status could be physically represented by this:

At first you see the teeth and are worried but then you realize it's just a sneeze. A little more observation reveals him to be a poor lost kitty.

So what happened to him? After all, he used to have a future almost as bright as VBen? Was it the Harvard rejection letter? Dr. Adams got his professorship at UNC-Wilmington? Or some even more dastardly plot by those neo-liberals and their subliminal control of ALL three branches of gov't (yes, even more nefarious now that it would appear they are controlled by God fearing Republicans)?
My current operating theory -- innocent young Yosef was corrupted by that dastardly Pinko Punko.
This one may be too much for those innocent eyes -- so click for the rest
At first, you can't decide what to think: cute or disgusting?

Closer observation reveals the evil intent that lies behind that possibly cute exterior...

So it's easy to understand how poor Yosef got sucked into that web of lies.
In my position as WRN1, self-appointed nerd potentate, we've already offered to settle this mano-a-mano. Yosef, we can even provide an alternate East Coast venue -- you, Chuckles, and Nachos (if he still lives or perhaps even ZombieNacho) split the difference somewhere in VA -- while the rest of us congregate at the base of O'Reilly-approved terrorist target #1, Coit Tower.
Until then, I offer this as a truce...overwhelming amounts of cute that surely require 24 hours before you can be mean again: