About 2 years later ... this past October actually, the game was sitting on my shelf still in its shrink wrap. Since I'd lived with a roommate the past year and a half, I'd been unwilling to commit to a 40+ hour RPG on our only TV. Then with the nice weather and summer here, I was unwilling to commit to locking myself indoors.
As fall came around though, I realized it was time to maybe beat some of these games I just have sitting around. One of those games was Max Payne 2 for PS2. I'd bought that game for $10 at Best Buy ... thinking it was ridiculously cheap at the time (and I was/am a huge fan of the original Max Payne for PC). However, a few minutes playing and a quick glance on the internet made me realize that $10 was far too much to pay for this game.
Still, I liked the story and really wanted to beat it simply to find out (never mind the frustrating controls and HORRENDOUS save functionality). I eventually beat it and decided it was time to start on the next unplayed game that was sitting on my shelf. Xenosaga was that game.
I have a couple half finished RPG's sitting on my shelf, but I figured instead of having to redo stuff I'd already done, I'd just start fresh. However, little did I realize who incredibly annoying this game is.
Besides the insane item sharing (items that you find in a virtual world somehow come back to the real world with you and get shared with other characters that they've never even met on entirely different planets) the game itself just wasn't that fun. It had stupid cut scenes every 5 minutes and a dumb story the seemed similar to Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.
Still, I kept trying to play it. The last attempt was over a month ago now. I just came to the realization today that wasting time playing games I don't enjoy is a really stupid waste of time.
Not only are there probably like 4,000 games I would enjoy more, I don't see how suffering for 40 hours somehow absolves me of having spent the money on the game. I hate to give them away or trade them in or whatever but seriously, if I bought a nice serving fork that I didn't use very much or didn't end up liking, I wouldn't sit around and stab myself in the eye with it. Why do I feel a need to do this with video games?
Also, note to self: waiting that long to play the game lowers the resale value in the event of massive suckage.
Anyway, I just thought I share that. Plus, I can't let Chuckles have the top post for too long. It's against the rules.