I was doing some research on the Everlasting War Between Pirates and Ninjas, which is only everlasting because of the unending variety and population of pirates, and I discovered that Ninjas have a particular favorite instrument: The Theremin.

Ninjas are well known for their stealth and hiding abilities, even if they are never seen to be congratulated. Their key weapons are fear and surprise. And shuriken and tantos, too. Ninjas can strike like invisible lightning from any location. There is probably one reading this post over your shoulder and eating a bag of Garlic and Onion potato chips but you can't see, hear or smell him/her because ninjas are that stealthy.

Even though ninjas are of no nation, some ninjas have a long and proud history of service to many worthy nations, but never to any nation that engaged in piracy. Here, a ninja plays a theremin salute to a past leader of the USA:

Ninjas strike when it is most advantageous. The ninjas strikes not only to eliminate a target but also to instill fear and cowardice in the hearts of the enemy. Having a ninja appear from behind your CEO and gut him like a fish can have quite the impact on a Board of Directors that is comtemplating an act of piracy, I can tell you! This pirate thought him safe in front of a crowd of pirate fans, but not even in a sea of his compatriots is a pirate safe from the velvet kiss of death from a ninja.

Sometimes a ninja just needs to relax and just chill out after a long day of flipping out and killing pirates. That is the time when a ninja breaks out his/her theremin and unwinds with a few strains of Bach's Theremin Concerto Number 73 or sometimes even a stirring and spooky rendition of the greatest ninja movie of all time, Forbidden Planet.