The [Ninja Turtles] henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady have hijacked the musical genres for us just like the Lone Ranger hijacked the William Tell Overture for our parents.

- xkcd

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An Actual Post

I was cruising for Christmas presents to put on my wish list that are truly astronomically wishful for several reasosn. 1) Expense. (Cost) 2) Irregularity. (Weird) 3) Obtuseness (Obtusity? Obtusiousness? Obfuscatory? Ubiquitous?) I found a wonderful box set that I would dearly love and I would be surprised if Pinko Punko wouldn't like it as well. I also found a cool do it yourself (DOOITDOOITNAUGH!) article on building your own HD projection TV from an LCD screen and some other common household items for the uncommon household. That would be cool if someone sent me all the gear required to assemble one. I would also like a Ninja Transformer-action Dinobot with Jeet-Kun-Do grip and Real Working Uzi!


At 12/06/2006 1:38 PM, Blogger dontEATnachos said...

Well, regarding the projector, I've got my old Powerbook which has a 1152x768 resolution screen with it ... maybe I could just do the lense part of this and make a projector with an integrated DVD player ...

I've also got an old Pentium II Sony Vaio that has maybe a 1024x768 resolution screen. But it's not widescreen so it'd be best to avoid that if possible. Still, maybe I could make a projector out of it and use it in my room just for viewing shows I downloaded off of my TiVo ...

At 12/06/2006 1:41 PM, Blogger Chuckles said...

The monitor was one of the more expensive parts, but the fresnels were nothing to sneeze at because hot glass plus snot equals esplode!

At 12/06/2006 1:59 PM, Blogger dontEATnachos said...

yeah, screw the projector. I'm just going to mod that old laptop so that I can watch my MPEG2 videos I download off my TiVo.

The hinge on it is already broken, so if I just put a wireless card in it and swivel it around, I could be using it to watch TiVo videos wherever.

At 12/07/2006 11:33 AM, Blogger Chuckles said...

But can't you do that with your TV or are you talking about ripping off the monitor and rigging it into a portable TV? That would be sweet.

At 12/07/2006 1:53 PM, Blogger dontEATnachos said...

yeah, basically my old laptop would become a little portable DVD/TiVo recording sreaming device.

I actually did a little bit of research on this and it seems that there is software for streaming video off of a TiVo (TiVo's have this video streaming functionality built in for sharing recordings between multiple TiVos in the same house).

I may need to write a nice GUI interface for it or something. I'm not sure. Still, this seems like it could be something cool in just a couple days of work.

Of course, I'd also have to get my wireless card to actually work with the laptop as well.

At 12/08/2006 8:36 AM, Blogger Chuckles said...

Wireless cards are particularly pesky.

At 12/08/2006 10:44 AM, Blogger mdhatter said...

(TiVo's have this video streaming functionality built in for sharing recordings between multiple TiVos in the same house).

No kidding? That's cool. It's no wonder that's not a 'feature', in light of copyright concerns, etc.. I knew it was well designed, but I had no idea they engineered a feature that cool in, then apprentl had to edit it out of the manual.


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