Wikipedia defines the keytar as this:
A keytar is a keyboard or synthesizer worn around the neck and shoulders, similar to a guitar. The word "keytar" is a portmanteau of "keyboard" and "guitar". Keytars allow players a greater range of movement than conventional keyboards, which are placed on stands.In this one case, Wikipedia is completely wrong. A keytar is in all reality, 100% electronic frickin' excellence.
Originally created by Steve Masakowski in 1978 the keytar actually went on to define a generation.
Consider this YouTube video of some guy rocking out with a keytar:
The keytarist in the video clearly realizes how amazing the instrument is, knowing full well the sound of the keytar will COLOR THE VIDEO FOR YOU.
While Chuckles has been busily anticipating that lame-ass Guitar Hero 2 (which apparently came out today). I've been busily working on programming the next ground-breaking game:

That's right, the radness of pirates combined with the majesty of a keytar to create a rock tour so phenomenal that it will blow your mind.
Screw going to see whatever lame hair metal/indie rock group that you were planning to go check out at some point in the future. Instead, the Pirate-Keytar Rock Experience will be touring the country.
And yes, if you're wondering, this much of this post is designed to move Chuckles anti-pony histeria down a notch. But that's not the only reason. Look again at the picture on the right. Pirate Keytarist. This is not a bitch-ass ninja, no, it's something far more deadly.
I'd like to further emphasize the awesomeness of this keytar tour by emphasizing the fact that the core of the group is the Darkness.
Hmm, I guess I don't really have much more to add about the keytar besides that. Well, besides the keytar neck tie that's all the rage right now. Oh and giant keytar playing robots.