I wish I could say that this is a rare occurrence but it's all too common. On Wednesday and Thursday I start having grand plans for things I'm going to accomplish over the weekend. Usually by Friday evening though, I'm more inclined to sit around watching movies than to actually get anything done.
This past weekend I was doing some work on my aunt's website. Something I told her I'd get done almost 8 months ago. I did get a design done sometime in January, and had converted it to HTML and gotten some static web pages up on my website as a demo.
Then we realized that she'd probably want something that she would be able to edit and handle herself. So I started looking into a Content Management Systems (CMS). Since her needs are pretty simple I thought that maybe a WordPress blog with a couple static pages would meet her needs. In the end though I ran into trouble with the static pages and linking so I started looking again.
Earlier this week I was visiting a pretty handy resource called Open Source CMS that lets you try out default installations of CMS packages for websites. While on the website I came across one called automate that I thought I would probably try installing. But while I was there, another user commented on this other one called Joomla! that was supposedly better.
Since Joomla! was available with push-button installation with my web hosting service, I figured I'd just try that one. I installed it and played around with it some on Friday with grand plans to do more on Saturday and Sunday.
Sadly though, not much came of it. Instead of doing that work, I futzed around town in the morning (picking up some of my mail that was still going to my old apartment) and then went running and to the gym. The rest of the day is kind of a haze but I think it involved me sitting around and watching TV.
The same thing goes for Sunday, I woke up early to get new tires put on my car I do some running and the rest of the day just kind of disappeared.
What makes it worse is that every Sunday night/Monday morning I sit there kicking myself for all the stuff I didn't get done. Why is it that when I actually have time to do these things I want to do, I don't really feel like doing them?
Oh well, back at work again and maybe the fact that I have less free time will help me get stuff done.