The [Ninja Turtles] henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady have hijacked the musical genres for us just like the Lone Ranger hijacked the William Tell Overture for our parents.

- xkcd

Friday, July 07, 2006

Fulsome Ages

Hey dudes, I just felt that we needed to post something before the weekend began because tomorrow (July 8) is fulsome's b-day.

He's a huge Harry Potter fan so I've made the displayed cake for him. Unfortunately he's not here to eat it.

Also, he's so old that he no longer has any teeth. That's right, he's 93 years young!

He recently broke his hip which explains why he refuses to use the interweb (he still hasn't used up all his pain medication and the nursing home won't let him leave the room).

Anyway, if you get a chance, let him know that he should have fun this weekend and try not to lose his dentures (he spent a good amount of his Social Security on those)!

[UPDATE -7/10/2006-]
Apparently even making fun of him via a weblog is not enough to draw him out of his technological seclusion. Perhaps someday like Punxsutawney Phil, fulsome will stick his head out into the internet, not see his shadow and come out and play.

Until then, more of my boring posts.


At 7/07/2006 3:21 PM, Blogger Chuckles said...

He needs a nurse to come rub some cortical steroids on his aching back.

I hope he at least gets a full release sponge for his birthday, but the closest he is likely to get to that is getting rolled over to prevent bed sores.

At 7/09/2006 7:17 AM, Blogger mdhatter said...

Does Fulsome need a hip transplant?

That cake seems pretty hip, I'd ask chuckles for a donation of hip marrow.

At 7/10/2006 7:03 AM, Blogger Chuckles said...

fulsome needs a hip transplant to go along with his recent heart bypass surgery.

At 7/12/2006 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he really break his hip? Doing what, competing in a hoola hoop contest?

H.B. Late, Fulsome!!


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