Dear Buy Viagra, (spaces added to not help their Google rank)
I really appreciate that you spam my comments. Seriously, it's awesome. At first I would only hear from you once ever couple days or so. Now though, you are really trying contribute to my site. You post a good 30-40 comments a day.
You even seem to have brought some friends, something about lactating ladies and push walker umbrellas, I'm not really sure.
I want you to understand that as a commenter on my site, I appreciate the contributions you make towards an online discourse. Occasionally though, I do wish you would say something besides "Buy Viagra Here!" but I've heard it said that you should go with what you know. It's not like I am asking all the professional baseball players to stop posting about baseball.
Still, it would be nice if you could at least change it up a little. Perhaps some V1AgRA, or HO0diA comments just to mix it up or something.
In spite of these shortcomings, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all of your contributions to the online community and in the event that I am in the market for some Viagra, your site will be the first I choose.