Everyone knows WRN's zombie affairs correspondent, dontEATnachos, has worked hard to keep up-to-date with zombie affairs over the past year. Fafblog provides new tidbits of info on the War on Zombies.
However, the focus for today is to bring you an up close look at the most talked about WRN correspondent of 2005, Chuckles.
Chuckles has caused a variety of reactions when seen in public. Currently, this reaction seems to be the most common:

Note the innocent girl (complete with balloon) is completely at a loss as to what Chuckles intentions could be? I wanted to help but in my guise as a reporter I was barred from interfering in developing news (headline: Cobag floored by roundhouse from frightened female!)
Let's delve a little further into an understanding of Chuckles. note to readers: this quest will superficially, e.g. graphically, resemble tehl4m3's (grammar ruling on proper possessive after a numeral, please) quest for Thome.
So, as usual with these things, due to the graphic nature of the following please click-through only if you are ready to get up close and personal with Chuckles
Bring it on!

Did you know what you were getting yourself into? I tried to warn you. This man has no shame. The picture on the left I pose as a moderately rhetorical question: cloacular?
The picture on the right is clearly a rejoinder to all of those smart ass answers you just provided. Also, the picture on the right might be helpful in providing a pictorial demonstration of that age old rejoinder.
Still haven't had enough? Had too much but trying to scroll down to the comment section? Well, I just want to leave you with one more look at the genius from another perspective. In fact, this one might be the one that finally helps you realize tarantula photos aren't that bad.