[Update 12/30/2005 6:30 PM]
The TiVo has arrived ... too bad I don't have a ph
one line to activate it yet. Stupid TiVo!
Oh well, I'll figure something out.
[Update 12/30/2005 2:46 PM]
Ok, I spoke with my brother yesterday and he said that the package was shipped via Parcel Post. Doing some quick recon on the USPS web site (and their rate calculator), I can see that they estimate an 8 day transit time for the TiVo.
I know it shipped out last Monday morning. That would mean that this Thursday would have been the earliest that it would have arrived (with Monday having been a holiday).
Hopefully, it's safe in its journey and will arrive to its loving home soon.
[Original Post]
As we enter Day 4 of TiVo Watch, I find myself becoming more and more accustomed to waiting for the TiVo and less and less thinking about whether the TiVo will arrive. When it does get here now, it will seem quite serendipitous and out of the blue.
I've learned to start coping with the waiting by stealing my roommates Netflix DVD's and watching those. Of course, it doesn't help when he rents movies like The Punisher (not because it's bad, but because I've already seen it--twice).
I did manage to catch a rather funny film by Michael Showalter though. He was in The State and Stella (which was on Comedy Central this summer). The movie is called The Baxter and is essentially a tale about the other guy in romantic comedies. You know, the one that always gets dumped when she finds her one true love at the end. It's got an excellent cast, a good soundtrack, and a clever premise. It's very well executed and quite enjoyable. I recommend you check it out. Well, either that or an excellent movie like The Thunderbirds ... that's good to.
Anyway, back to waiting for the TiVo.