Wow, I thought I wasn't going to get to post about Guitar Hero or the Cardinals World Series win again until either a) I got Guitar Hero II or b) the Cardinals won another World Series. It turns out though, I get to talk about them right now.

He started having arm troubles in the American League Championship Series and was having difficulty pitching. The trainers were having figuring out why he would be having such a problem. Eventually they discovered what everyone who has ever played it could tell you, too much Guitar Hero will screw up your 100 MPH fastball.
The Freep has the details. According to the article:
During the radio interview, Dombrowski said the Tigers' athletic training staff discovered that Zumaya's forearm pain was more consistent with the action of a guitar player than a baseball pitcher.After this discovery the article says that
The team had concluded Zumaya's injury resulted from playing a video game, not from his powerful throwing motion.So thank you Guitar Hero! You helped my team win the World Series. If only this could explain why Detroit Tiger pitching has trouble throwing a ball to first or third base. Zing!