When you share an office or work area with another person there are some general rules that you usually follow. When making personal calls on your cell phone, you leave the office. If you have extra food, you offer it to the person you share the office with. If someone comes looking for you and you're not around your officemate should let you know that someone was looking for you. Things that are just common courtesy.
Something I didn't think I would specifically have to lay out is how it is, um, slightly impolite and quite annoying to trim your fingernails while someone else is sitting in the office with you. Moreover, I would say that you should probably just never trim your fingernails at the office (unless you work somewhere where that is for some strange reason required).
I don't know if it's just me and the fact that I'm not a big fan of finger(or toe)nail clippings and the sound that clippers make but this just seems pretty obvious. Still, I remember once when I was riding the Metra train in Chicago some woman was trimming her fingernails too. That annoyed me as well.
I'll go out on a limb and say that nail files are ok, possibly because they don't make the same piercing clipping noise and also because they don't leave large chunks of fingernail sitting around. Also a bonus, there's no risk of some rogue clipping flying off in my direction with a nail file ... with clippers you never know where it's going to end up.
Ok, so that's the end of this random post. In public areas nail file = ok, nail clippers = bad. That includes common areas (except the bathroom) in living quarters, because finding random finger/toenail pieces around is quite gross. There should be some sort of G.I. Joe PSA about this.