Well, unfortunately, Ithink I've just about exhausted the choices of Trader Joe's non-Trader Joe domestic beer with tonight's beer, Mission St. Pale Ale
I imagine they are trying to invoke some semblance of a Mexican beer, since Mission St. is a big Mexican St. in San Francisco. If that is their goal, I have to say they pretty much failed. Of course, I haven't had any lime (or lemon) to augment the beer with so it's partly my fault thus far. I will update this if there are significant changes based on such a try.
That's not to say this is a bad beer. It is a Pale Ale and those usually aren't my favorites (by disposition, I tend to like stouts and ales). However, this seems to compare favorably with Sierra Nevada. I guess it could really just be another California pale ale and that isn't really such a bad thing. I'll compromise and give it a C+