The [Ninja Turtles] henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady have hijacked the musical genres for us just like the Lone Ranger hijacked the William Tell Overture for our parents.

- xkcd

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Come on Cristian Candy!

Per some comments at 3Bulls and one of his (many) disgusting food threads. We realized that gummi versions of religious figures would be another victory for nerds everywhere.

I have since realized that this would reach its most perfect form as a Gummi Buddha. However, this is the closest Mother Nature has been willing to allow on Earth:

On the other hand, religion has inspired these two wonderful pieces:

Stay tuned for a later edition featuring the Bag O' Meat!


At 9/18/2005 10:08 PM, Blogger mdhatter said...

What happens when you eat the God Rocks and drink the blood of jesu... wine?

Will your soul eplode?


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