Despite repeated warnings from my parents and all of the animated superstars of my youth, I am about to embark on a journey which will culminate with me coming face-to-face with Pinko Punko. Is he a true Communist sympathizer? Who will gaze more earnestly into Neko Case's eyes (and of course, never stray to other parts of her anatomy -- at least, nothing lower than her vocal cords)? Can the internet really bring together AL and NL baseball fans? How spicy is too spicy?
To prove the glory of the WRN clan, and despite the rapid breeding of the bulls -- I think there are eight of them now -- I shall out-eat, out-drink, and all-around out-carouse the PP and some fool from Canada (who once told me he was GLAD to be Canadian, what folly), not to mention some ringer they are bringing to supply the metaphorical third bull.
What mysteries this evening shall uncover, no one knows? I'll bring the digital camera to hopefully show the glories of the internet. We shall see who has more Cheetos on their internet-heavy fingers. I venture forth into the outside world, in broad daylight, to uncover such details for you, my loyal readers.
Wish me luck and I hope that I return from this event intact.
Oh, and we're going to see The New Pornographers. So I'm sure Pinko will gush at length tomorrow.
UPDATE: I was sadly misinformed about the initial mixture of bulls. The Uncanny one apparently resides in Boston where he roots for some moldy red nylons in their failed attempt to prove last year was not just a salve to demonstrate that the Cubs are undeniably the loseringest losers that walk the earth.
Also, the Thai food was not that spicy. It was tasty, and we did successfully require cattle, waterfowl, and crustaceans to die for our dining pleasure, but not overwhelmingly spicy. They did bring in a 6'6" (2m) ringer but I think we ended at a tie as we ran out of food.
A.C. and Neko successfully rocked the house. Dan the Destroyer was excellent. PP was taking notes and might post the set list, I'll link if he does. Best song of the night: Tie -- Jackie Dressed in Cobras, Star Bodies.