Listen up kiddies, dontEATnachos is not the only technically-inclined-yet-well-rounded nerd on this blog. We all are. That is sort of the definition of well rounded, but I digress.
This weekend I am going to add more stuff to more
There is room in the case and I am not at all worried about that. Nor am I worried about heat, since I had to remove the side of my case this summer due to heat. I like to think that this had made my computer sort of rad, like a car with a hemi/air intake sticking out of the hood. Really, it looks more like a car up on blocks in your front yard that the neighborhood kids play in.
I have already added a gig of memory to this computer to play one game and that is not hard. There is only way memory sticks can fit and if you can't figure that out, then you are the kind of person that needs to ask the flight attendants to strap you in to your seat because the airplane seatbelt is too comlicated for you. I am the kind of person who asks the flight attendants to do it for me because I like having women's hands in my crotch.

Whatever. The point is that SATA drives do not have the traditional jumpers in the back that are used to set master/slave status. I don't know why, but SATA drives are newer and this sounds a lot like TVs. Newer television sets have less buttons and require a 350 page manual and a degree in particle physics just to set the channels. Old TVs with buttons worked just fine, but designers get bored with designing things that look cool and instead have contests to make the most functional Waterproof TV/Toaster Oven/Electric Blanket with the least amount of controls possible.
But I digress yet again. The only thing I am worried about is annoying problems with master and slave status. According to various forum posts by not-as-well-rounded-and-really-quite-focused nerds, SATA drives are typically auto set as master drives by the BIOS. Since I will be installing a clean 100GB+ drive, I may have to muck about in the BIOS to get it set as a slave drive. I want it set as a slave merely so I can avoid having to install Windows again and download all the fucking updates again. Not to mention my firewall and virus protection software. If I can get the new drive set as a slave I can move all the music into one partition and then just repath my playlists. No big deal.
If anyone out there has done anything like this and run into trouble go ahead and leave your suggestions in the comments, if you haven't and don't understand half of the terminology in this post, the flight attendant will be along shortly to prevent you from accidentally strangling yourself with your seatbelt.