After overcoming my first urge to flee in abject terror I began to wonder what this Pandora's box could possibly contain. The possibilities were all pants-wettingly frightening (trust me ... I have the pants to prove it).
A box that size is clearly too large to hold a simple book or coffee mug. So I began to fear that it was a collection of all of his books. Or Perhaps a number of the O'Reilly Factor For Kids books that were going to be handed out to unsuspecting Trick or Treaters this Halloween.
Worse yet, maybe it's a collection of O'Reilly talking dolls ... and they're going to be handed out as people get fired from the company. These parting gifts will be saying things like, "Welcome to the No-Spin Zone" and then somehow cut off your mic as your try to explain why you shouldn't get fired.
To me the worst fear was that it's a life size animatronic bust of Bill O'Reilly's head. With motion sensors in it's eyes, it will be setup so as to pepper you with quotes from the previous day's show that it had downloaded from the central Fox News server every time you walk by.
This truly is an Everyday Horror.