Forsooth, I speak of Weiner Schnitzel. First of all consider the color scheme of this brazen, glorious roadside monstrosity.

I know there are weighty matters afoot and the relative merits of flightless birds hovers over us anxiously but there are times we have to put those matters aside and consider the meat of the situation. I have discovered an entity that clearly will be of interest to our chosen few. The clan of pork purveyors and the great quest for understanding suburbia and exurbia or whatever burb you may belong to in this lifetime. I presume some of you may already have opinions on this fine establishment as they claim to have 340(!) locations in the US and Guam. Don't forget Guam!
Clearly, this restaurant understands our needs as well. Consider this tasty zen koan:

However, this situation is slightly compromised. Situation: I order a hot dog with kraut -- it comes without ketchup which is surely a less than ideal outcome. I give them a second try, I order the "1/3 lb. BBQ Bacon BIG Dawg." It is clearly from a better, though still not ideal, meat source and it comes wit hBBQ sauce, bacon, and onion rings. It is filling! The gods of takeout food have spoken. It is good.