I find it interesting that he didn't resign until after it was clear that ratings for the show didn't significantly improve. I think if they'd found that a million more people watched the show because of this then he probably wouldn't have resigned.
I never really understand this kind of thing though. No one really hardly even cares about this story anymore so why have the guy quit? So some marketing was misinterpreted by people not familiar with the show, why do you need to get rid of a guy?
Was this really just standard corporate backstabbing that led to this? Someone looking to take his place or someone who wasn't a fan of some of the Adult Swim content maybe manipulated the Warner Bros. board into pressuring him to resign.
Besides this one incident (that is completely ridiculous), he did a great job with Cartoon Network and now the guy is gone. Who knows how the next head is going to treat Adult Swim. Corporations need to actually do something worthwhile sometimes, like not forcing people into resignations for over-reactions.
Check out the other WRN articles on this if you're interested:
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