Ah, it's story time here at WRN. Today, we're going to start with the story about how my company in the midst of some financial difficulties decided to trim 25% of the employees. I survived fine, but the whole process was kind of shocking.
Basically, they called company meeting and split us into two groups. Group A stayed and Group B was gone. Waaah waaah, some people get fired ... it shook me up at first, but you know that's business in the US I guess. What for me was one of the most shocking parts was that while they were in the meeting getting fired, our IT changed all of their passwords so they could no longer log into their PC's.
One guy who, like me, has a company laptop and had been using it as his primary computer got really pissed and ended up buying the laptop from my company just so he could get his data and stuff (pornography?) off of it.
This made me realize that I really needed to get a flash memory drive and move my personal data over to it. That way if I ever got locked out of my laptop or whatever I'd still have all my data where I could take it with me easily.
So that weekend I went and picked up a 2GB flash drive and moved all my stuff over to it. The process went well and I was happy in my new information security.
Life was cruising along fine until this past week. Somehow I've managed to lose my little thumb drive. I have no idea where it is. I've scoured my apartment, my office, my car, every piece of clothing and every bag I have and no luck.
I can't decide if it was stolen or lost (although I'd lean towards me just losing it). Either way though, my data is all gone now. "But, dEn," you say, "didn't you back it up?" Short answer, "No." Long answer, also "No."
So now I'm missing all of my freaking non-work related data. It's really frustrating. I'm about 98% done with a web design that I'm doing for a family member but now I no longer have the Photoshop source for the website. Any changes I make will have to be using the slices I made for the site.
The same with this site and a redesign I was doing for my own website. Add in a bunch of personal photos and archived software projects and icons and designs I've done for applications and I've lost hundreds of hours of work.
All because I'm retarded and didn't back up my data.
It's so frustrating and I'm so angry but I don't even know who to be angry at. Myself I guess but it's just the kind of thing that makes you want to through a laptop through a window (there goes the rest of my data!).
The worst part is that I'll probably find the stupid flash drive in about 4 years when everything that was on it is absolutely useless to me.
So yeah, just thought I'd share. Hope you enjoyed the story.