Secret tribunals for secret suspects that we might not even know we have...or ever know we killed. For some reason, this really gets me upset. So, how to cobagitate against this properly? Add to it the degree of difficulty that I already live in the SF Bay Area where most people are in concurrence. So, I have a three part plan for this otherwise boring Friday afternoon.
1) Give money to people running against the bastards (I chose Tester, MT senate and the guy trying to replace DeLay). I'm hoping dEn can deal with the Webb front.
2) e-mails to and for not covering the story effectively
3) Drinking heavily!
OK, so I think all of those ideas are an anathema to cobagitation but I seem to have lost all motivation for humorous imagination today. Luckily, dEn hasn't.
However, consider this a bleg(!- what a dumb internet word for beg, I though the internet was going to reduce letter usage -!) for other ways I can do my small part to give these cobags their due.