I have these tickets. OK, it turns out you probably can't read them but they are for The Capes who play tonight at the Independent. I still want to go but hate to have to give the ticket to a stranger. If anybody around these here parts wants to go, just say so. One ticket is yours free of charge. See how easy this is?
Oh, and here's some info about them
Most press on the Capes has relied heavily on comparisons to Bloc Party, but these parallels are misleading; both bands may be throwbacks to bygone genres, but the Capes lean heavily on the synths to produce bright and bouncy tunes—embodied best in the wonderful "Tightly Wound." Hello is so full of chipper melodies and electronic blips that there are few songs on the band's first LP that don't warrant a head bop or two, though the more impassioned tracks, such as "Comet Tails" and "Gimme," show the band successfully reaching beyond the one-dimensional confines of today's pop.
'Hello' album review - CMJ
Let me know.
UPDATE and clarify: I still want to go. Looking for a "+1" who gets a free ticket. Don't make me use craigslist...