So I've just started converting an old site of mine from a lame static HTML page to a WordPress driven site. So far it's gone surprisingly well.
I've never done anything with PHP before but it has been surprisingly easy to pick up. I do have to say that the WordPress Template tags are pretty useless if you're used to programming. They don't work on the same level you do, they're all designed for generating HTML not generating values used to generate HTML.
Still, I've found much of the process interesting and it's given me a reason to finally get back to work on mastering my CSS styles.
I have realized that this 30 day trial I have of Dreamweaver 8 won't be enough, so I'll most likely have to buy a copy of it. That then makes me wonder if I should spend the $200 to upgrade to the standard version or the $500 for the one that includes all the goodies like Macromedia Director and Fireworks. Right now I'm using Photoshop and creating rollover buttons and the like has been quite a pain.
Anyway, if anyone has experience with this stuff, I'd like to hear it.