Sorry it's taken me so long to get these photos up. I went to go see Butterstick at the National Zoo almost two weeks ago and haven't managed to get the photos online until today.
This is only happening because my work PC is hosed with a virus at the moment and my girlfriend went out tonight so I don't really have much else to do (besides watching episodes of the A-Team that I TiVo'd).
Anyway, seeing the 'Stick in person left me much impressed. He's an adorable little ball of fuzz. Definitely worth waiting in line for about 15 minutes. He was just kind of rolling around and playing with stuff. It's kind of hard to make out from these pictures though.
I've got some video I took (that's of equally poor quality) that I'll try and get online sometime soon.
Until then though, you'll have to make do with these pictures.

Trash Lid!

Playing with a giant bong?

Yes, yes he is.

Man, he is really fiending for it

Papa Stick!