What this really means though, is that we now have another way to have fun with the President (and Photoshop). Join the craze that's sweeping the nation.
I saw this originally from Wonkette and some links from fulsome.
The [Ninja Turtles] henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady have hijacked the musical genres for us just like the Lone Ranger hijacked the William Tell Overture for our parents.
- xkcd
Thursday, September 15, 2005
What this really means though, is that we now have another way to have fun with the President (and Photoshop). Join the craze that's sweeping the nation.
I saw this originally from Wonkette and some links from fulsome.
Well done. I put the word out a few places.
PP if it weren't for your quite funny note, I wouldn't have thought of bringing Bolton into the equation.
So thanks for the excellent lead ... I guess I can only attempt to follow now.
I have been saying it for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh and I am back now.
We went from the usual 15ish to 186 unique yesterday and 80 already today. Alright, off to put together the Friday 10