Let's work our way through the show in chronological order. Also, the pics are stolen from shymuse on flickr.
We got there in time to see The MGMT. They seem to be playing rather derivative 80's rock anthem music. They were wearing the headbands and everything. I think they were supposed to be ironic but the music was not high enough quality to get the pass. Instead it was just foolish.
After that it was the band "Grand Buffet." They are a white boy rap group out of Pittsburgh. They actually seemed to have a lot of potential because they weren't strictly limited to rap but had some interesting ideas floating around the edges of their music. The lead singer had an awesome red beard that would have impressed the mighty tehl4m3, although the drawn on abs and skinny boy look may have saved him from the "back alley treatment." Also, the fat man of the duo was a successful dancer. So they managed to avoid being bad but I was moderately surprised because there was a decent chunk (20%) of the crowd that seemed into them while I was unaware of their existence.
Of Montreal is fronted by Kevin Barnes who actually had me fairly convinced he is a queen. It turns out there is simply another adjective to precede that and it is drama, since he is married and his wife plays keyboards. I state this as something that actually enhanced the show because watching him go through at least five different outfits was mostly unexpected for an indie rock show. He came out in a wedding gown, switched to some gauzy shirt, then this one,

followed by this and then closing with some crazy orange raincoat.

The crowd-watching was rather enjoyable as well. I was in the balcony due to my compatriots preference for sitting so we had an eagle eye view of the situation. There was Andre the Giant, Jr. -- fatter and shorter but the same glorious hair and his two equally socially inept friends, a number of teeny-bop girls at the front, and, apparently no show in SF is now complete without the "girl who thinks she can dance." This time, it was a woman who was seated directly next to me. I kept thinking, "I don't really want to stare at your tits but if you keep gyrating around and end up in my lap it's not exactly my fault."
At any rate, the show was a success, the mango looked tasty, and they did indeed play "Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games."
POSTCRIPT: Video killed the Radio Star
(effective subtitle: I'm a follower not a leader)
BONUS UPDATE: next planned show to attend is either The Botticellis @ Cafe du Nord or Eleventeen @ Bottom of the Hill. Recommendations gratefully accepted.