The Battle for Most Exclamatory remark ever.
Cuurtesy of The Onion, second in truthiness only to Steven Colbert, I provide this:
Craigslist Apartment Listing Uses Record 354 Exclamation Points
SAN FRANCISCO—A Craigslist advertisement for a two-bedroom apartment in San Francisco's Castro district has set an all-time Internet record for exclamation-point usage with 354, the Bureau Of Statistics reported Tuesday. "The 28 exclamation points following the lead phrase, 'MUST SEE,' were excessive, but not record-breaking," said BOS statistician Randall Carrey. "But within the ad itself, the word 'nice' is in all caps and followed by 354 marks. Quite extraordinary." The previous online record, 312, was set in a 2003 eBay listing for Camaro parts.
Clearly you have been falling down on the job. I don't even think there was a single slip of the shift key in that record setting achievement.
Well, boys, what have you got to say for yourselves?