Anyway, I was in Cleveland for the weekend hanging out with my girlfriend and her family. At one point on Sunday I had a chance to play a game that I'd been interested in for a while, Guitar Hero.
I'd played the game briefly at a Best Buy before but the controller was kind of damaged I think and there were a number of people waiting in line for it as well so I kind of quit right away when I started sucking.
This time I was lucky enough to get to play the entire song Cochise by Audioslave and it was a blast.
That's why when I got a $25 gift card from Amazon in addition to my $50 one I already had, I knew that it was time. Time for me to finally order Guitar Hero.
According to the confirmation email I received the order has been placed successfully and should be arriving on Thursday. Perhaps Chuckles will come over and we will rock out in a virtual guitar way.
That is all. Rock on.