So, some people love the "old" Belle & Sebastian. Don't get me wrong, I liked them just fine. However, this new incarnation of them is awesome. Simply, unqualified, awesome.
I want to try and capitalize on some of the review trends that Pop Renaisance (PR) seemed to enjoy previously. I thought Belle and Sebastian (B&S) were stellar. To see Stuart come out and be a traditional frontman was a lot of fun. To see him, and by extension the band, I thought B&S managed to have a fairly cohesive sound throughout their set while exploring avenues that I did not traditionally consider B&S territory. Luckily, I like the new album and your feelings towards "The Life Prsuit" will presumably mimic your feelings toward the show. Personally, after PR gave a pre-release preview, I played "Song for Sunshine" every day for two weeks. Happily, they played this song at the show.
Personally, I feel like B&S had a better set than the New Pornographers (NP). There are two main reasons for this. The first is the fact that I think B&S has a more varied repetoire. I love NP but there are times when I think all of their songs sound a little too much the same (especially without Bejar). The NP did perform a few Bejar songs without his presence and, yes, the drumer did sing. I know I'm in the minority here but I think I like his songs the best. This is not to say that NP put on a bad show. It was excellent and I was bouncy and I was hoping for some sympathetic energy from the Bulls! but it was clearly not to be since I got GC, the Bullette(?). They closed with "Sing Me Spanish Techno" and I don't know what they opened with because when we got to the venue at 8:05pm (show listed as starting at 8pm) they were already playing but that's another rant for another time.
Anyways, there's more but I'll stop to preclude poetry since I'm already too late for banal internet quizzes which, much like humorous forwards, have clearly outlived their actual humor providing potential.