In the 30 years there have been a number of documentaries detailing the potential outcomes of the Zombie Apocolypse.
It seems that those warnings have gone unheeded.
Seriously, with all of the science we have now and the recent experience with Katrina, you would think that we would be more prepared for these kind of situations. Our state, local, and national governments seem to have other "more pressing" concerns though.
I don't really know what else we can do besides ensuring that as individuals we are are prepared. Visit the National Center for Reanimation Prevention and Control (NCRPC) to learn the ins and outs of Zombie hordes. Also, to check Zombie alert status and to get important tips for surviving in the Zombie Apocolypse make sure to visit The Combat Guide.
You can't expect the government to do all of this for you. It's up to each one of us to be prepared for the zombie menace. Don't be caught unaware!