These guys need to get way more attention (looking at you, Pinko). I don't have anything this cool, but I'll package together something this weekend for my non-contest non-victory!
The [Ninja Turtles] henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady have hijacked the musical genres for us just like the Lone Ranger hijacked the William Tell Overture for our parents.
- xkcd
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Haha, I think I used to own that Ninja Turtle guy ... I had way too many Ninja Turtles though.
And I distinctly recall you owning that He-Man figure before. It was at Grandma's and we'd go over there and play with it and watch the A-Team while building forts out of your ::a moment of silence for it:: now forever gone brown couch.
A sad day, truly.
Sigh, good times, good times. Instead, Pinko looks to win...a beanie baby Otter, one of those droid guys from the new Star Wars, and a Daffy Duck figure.
I almost sent him the Jar Jar Binks ornament but didn't because I still hold out hope of one day creating the "Ultimate Nerd Christmas Tree." Or maybe just having the goal means I've already won.
Oh, I have a surrogate brown loveseat in my apartment now that is soft and fuzzy. It looks like the brown couch will live on!
Jesus Christo! I get stung in the face by a large wasp-type insect while biking and am out of it for a little whiela nd every runs around having delusions of grandeur. Damn my face hurts. I wish I was just making this up as an excuse as to why I have not posted an Apology to my lateness on the Apology dialogue.
Well, I only got all big in the head once comment spam started apearing. And courtesy of nacho's double post and apology, there's a double digit comment section. Shocking!
Triclops is cool and all but mt favorite MotU figure would be Mossman. No, not my favorite, my only figure. I asked for Skeletor and got freakin Mossman. Smelled like baby poo and his super power was being fuzzy. What a gip. He went straight to the floor of the car.