It's the Friday random 10.
I'll adopt it too. Here's 10 random songs that I have on my computer that get selected after pressing the magic shuffle button:
1. The Dead Milkmen - Lucky --> Well, I like The Dead Milkmen but this song doesn't do anything particularly spectacular so I'll say (5/10)
2. The Kaiser Chiefs - Every Day I Love You Less and Less --> OK, OK, so this song is just about as '80s as it gets but I love it but it's the first song off the album so they're still in higher-octane mode (5/10)
3. The Wrens - Happy --> I really love them but they're better live (I think) this song is too slow for too long (4/10)
4. Son Ambulance - Like a Friend --> Well, from slow to pseudo-folk. Meh. (3/10)
5. Comets on Fire - Organs --> Ahh, some crazy experimental rock. With an organ. I give it 4/10 though because it's really just a transition piece and not awesome unfortunately.
6. The Thrills - Deckchairs & Cigarettes --> They're Irish but they have an album about California and they're, um, kind of boring. Why did I buy this CD? Oh yeah, cause it was cheap and I kept seeing their name on concert posters. (2/10)
7. Xiu Xiu - Fabulous Muscles (Mama Black Widow Version) --> when your genre is avant-garde, you get an automatic +1. And then I just don't have enough songs about penises. And I can use it to redeem the last song (kind of) so, hey, it gets an 8. (8/10)
8. The Raveonettes - Love in a Trashcan --> This one's for Pedro. danish surf-rock with feedback. Plus I've seen 'em live. So hey, have a 7. (7/10)
9. Chinese Artists - The Loving song of Kangding --> Um, yea, so I have this whole China fetish (if you hadn't noticed). It's not a bad song but it's nothing overwhelming. It would get more points if it was any other culture cause then you'd be suprised. (4/10)
10. Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight Goodnight --> Yay. Ok, so maybe they're kind of commercial but it's good solid pop and he's telling this girl to kiss off. Something I wish I could do, so 9/10
Highly personal average: 5.1 out of 10.
And that's with only songs I've liked in the last six months.
Have a good weekend. I don't know if I'll manage to post then